【戶外知識】登山爬山想產生紙本地圖?地圖產生器的介紹 | How to make a Paper Map for hiking? The Happyman map introduction

00. 地圖產生器 地圖首頁
地圖產生器地圖首頁 Happyman Main Page

Due to the pandemic this year, many people have taken up hiking and mountaineering. However, most of them did not bring paper maps with them, either out of convenience or because they do not know how to use them. Therefore, I am writing this introductory article to explain how to create and use paper maps.


紙本地圖百百種,當中最知名的就是上河文化地圖,只不過要價不菲,一般人也不捨得在地圖上畫新資訊,因此,地圖產生器(Happyman) 變成了在台灣CP值最高且容易匯出資料的非常好用的工具。
There are many types of paper maps, but the most well-known one is the Sunriver Paper Map, which comes with a hefty price tag. Most people are reluctant to add new information to the map. Therefore, the map generator tool – Happyman (地圖產生器) has become the most cost-effective and user-friendly tool for creating maps and exporting data in Taiwan.


Now, let me introduce to you how to use the Happyman (地圖產生器) to create and export paper maps.


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  1.    01 認識坐標單位 What’s the long. & lat. coordination
  2.    02 認識地圖格式 Introduction of the map format
  3.    03 網站其他介紹 Other features intro
  4.    04 產生地圖的使用步驟 Steps to generate a happyman map
  5.    05 輸出KMZ用於谷歌地球 Use KMZ in Google Earth
  6.    06 總結

   01 認識坐標單位 What’s the long. & lat. coordination

Before that, let me introduce you to the concept of coordinates. It is important to be clear about the coordinates you choose, to avoid reporting incorrect coordinates in case of rescue operations, as a difference of more than 10 meters can greatly affect the search and rescue time.

地圖產生器僅有 TWD67 和TWD97,就是下方會介紹的2和3。
The map generator only has TWD67 and TWD97 coordinates, which are the ones I will introduce in points 2 and 3 below.


   01-1 經緯度 TWD97/WGS84 (Longitude/Latitude TWD97/WGS84)

TWD97 與 WGS84 兩者相差不大, 大約幾公分至數十公分, 一般在登山及導航的應用時,可以視為一致,詳細請參考:Taiwan datums – OSGeo ,一般就是谷歌地圖所使用的那種。
TWD97 and WGS84 are not very different, with a difference of a few centimeters to tens of centimeters. In general, they can be considered the same in applications such as hiking and navigation. For more information, please refer to “Taiwan datums – OSGeo,” which is the same as the one used by Google Maps.


   01-2 二度分帶 TWD67 TM2 (Transverse Mercator Projection TWD67 TM2)

二度分帶 TWD67 是內政部公告之坐標基準係引用國際上的 Geodetic Reference System 1967 的橢球體大小, 作為臺灣地區大地基準的橢球大小, 其坐標基準在埔里,詳細請參考:Taiwan datums – OSGeo
TWD67 TM2 is a coordinate reference system announced by the Ministry of the Interior. It uses the size of the Geodetic Reference System 1967 ellipsoid as the size of the ellipsoid for the geodetic reference in Taiwan. The coordinate reference is based in Puli. For more information, please refer to “Taiwan datums – OSGeo.”


   01-3 二度分帶 TWD97 TM2 (Transverse Mercator Projection TWD97 TM2)

二度分帶 TWD97 名字中的 ’97’ 是因為臺灣地區於 1997 年以 GPS 重新計算坐標基準, 於 1997 年完成, 他的橢球體大小是採用國際上的 Geodetic Reference System 1980 的橢球體大小, 此橢球大小與 WGS84 的球體大小兩者可說相同,詳細請參考:Taiwan datums – OSGeo
TWD97 TM2 is named “97” because the coordinate reference system was recalculated using GPS in 1997. The ellipsoid size used was the Geodetic Reference System 1980, which is the same as the size of the WGS84 ellipsoid. For more information, please refer to “Taiwan datums – OSGeo.”


   02 認識地圖格式 Introduction of the map format

The map generator can choose geodetic datum and layers, and provide Jingjian 1, Jingjian 3 and Lu maps. Jingjian and Lu maps have different presentation methods in some maps. Jingjian 1 and Jingjian 3 were measured in contour lines, while Lu maps are constantly updating contour lines, and Lu maps are generally selected.


   02-1 地圖格式(魯地圖、經建三)Map format (Lu map, Jingjian 3)

地圖產生器 00 0
經建三 Jingjian 3

Jingjian 3: Bridges, towers, buildings, etc., it is better to look at Jingjian 3. The waterline is much more conservative than Lu map, and it will be much shorter. If you need to confirm the waterline in the dry season, you can refer to Jingjian 3.


地圖產生器 00 1
魯地圖 Lu map

Lu map: The Lu map will be closer to the current situation in terms of contour lines. The number of heights displayed on the map is also more and easier to find. The waterline is much longer than Jingjian 3. Basically, it is still reliable, but if it has not rained all the time still have to figure it out. There are also more text marks than Jingjian, can directly know where it is. The disadvantage is that because these marks are collected from netizens, there may be mistakes or random marks.


Introduction to the number of circled grids: A printed A4 sheet will contain 5*7 grids, and an A3 printed sheet will contain 7*10 grids. If the number of grids is not calculated properly, there may be a situation where only a little bit is printed on a whole page (for example: 5*8 grids will have two A4 sheets), and the vertical or horizontal format will be automatically output in the most paper-saving way.


   02-2 行跡&標簽 Gps & Label

地圖產生器 00 1
魯地圖 Lu map

There are three buttons on the upper middle left of the web map: “Trace”, “Label” and “All”.

Gps: The map generator will capture the whereabouts uploaded by mountain friends on the Internet. The whereabouts are blue lines. The thicker the line, the more people have walked by. If you get lost, you can choose to display or not display the track by clicking it.

Labels: Display the names of mountains, triangle points, hot springs, residences, etc., can choose to display or not display them with one click.

All: Can choose which places to display on the label. Basically, there are one, two, three, etc. triangle points, forests, Baiyue (100 peaks), Xiaobaiyue (Small 100 peaks), hot springs, etc. to choose from, can choose to display or not display them with one click.


   03 網站其他介紹 Other features intro

Let me introduce the other features of the website.


   03-1 左上方的列出 Upper left list out

地圖產生器 00 2
列出:列出過去的輸出記錄 List: Listed the past generated records


   03-2 左上方其他地圖 Upper left other map

地圖產生器 00 3
其他地圖:可以查看熱門路線或最新路線 Other maps: Can review the popular trails or the latest trails


   03-3 電信訊號 Telecommunication signal

地圖產生器 00 5
電信訊號(右上可選) Telecommunication signal (Choose at the upper right)


   03-4 其他圖資 Others map info

地圖產生器 00 4
更多的梯地圖選擇(在左邊選單) More ladder map options (on the left menu)


地圖產生器 00 6
衛星圖 Satellite imagery


地圖產生器 00 7
nlsc正射圖 nlsc orthomap


地圖產生器 00 8
蕃地1916 The aboriginal 1916


Satellite images, nlsc orthophotos, and Fan maps during the Japanese occupation period. The nlsc orthophoto map is a new map that can be published by the national surveying unit. It has landforms + contour lines, and the contour lines are more accurate than the Lu map. Maps of the Japanese during the Japanese occupation period, excellent reference materials for finding residences or relics and ancient roads.


   04 產生地圖的使用步驟 Steps to generate a happyman map

The steps from search to generation and output will be introduced here.


   04-1 搜尋/打開地圖產生器 Search/Open Happyman Map

01. 谷歌搜尋 地圖產生器
谷歌搜尋【地圖產生器】 Google search happyman

→ 點選:地圖瀏覽器 v4.33 (happyman.idv.tw)
→ Click: 地圖瀏覽器 v4.33 (happyman.idv.tw)

→ 選擇登入賬號(可以考慮使用谷歌郵件,請一定要登入)
→ Choose the login account (Gmail recommended, login is must to do)


   04-2 輸入山名或坐標 Key in the mountain name or coordinate 

地圖產生器 001
在左上角搜尋欄輸入要去的地點(例如:甜甜圈谷)Key in the target destination at the upper left search bar (For example: Tiantian Circle Valley)

You can zoom in or out according to your needs.


   04-3 點選要去的行跡以選擇行跡兩次 Click the target blue GPX twice for choosing the wanted GPX

地圖產生器 002
點選要去的地點以選擇行跡兩次 Click the target destination twice for choosing the GPX


地圖產生器 003
選擇後行跡便會顯示 GPX will be displayed on the map after GPX selected


   04-4 選擇範圍 Choose the area that want to generate

地圖產生器 004
選擇範圍及格式 Choose the area & that want to generate


   04-5 產生地圖 Generate the map

地圖產生器 005
按下右上角的產生按鈕以產生地圖,輸入產生的檔案名稱,以及選擇需要的地圖格式(例:TWD97) Press the Generate button on the upper right corner to generate a map, named the generated file, and select the required map format (eg: TWD97)


   04-6 勾選地圖上所需資訊后確認按輸出 Check the required information on the map, confirm and generate

地圖產生器 006
勾選地圖上所需資訊(100米格線、包含山友 gps trace、彩圖、A3)后確認按輸出 Check the required information on the map (100-meter grid line, including mountain friend gps trace, color map, A3), confirm and generate


  • TWD97:上面的座標介紹有説明
    TWD97:The above coordinate introduction has a descriptions.
  • 100米格線:把原本的格線切成10*10=100格(原本一格1公里,切成一格100m)
    100-meter grid line: cut the original grid line into 10*10=100 grids (the original grid is 1 km, cut into a grid of 100m).
  • 包含山友gps trace:山友航跡圖(藍色的線),建議選一下
    Contains the hikers gps trace: The other hikers track map (blue line), it is recommended to choose.
  • 彩圖:列印彩圖會比較明顯尤其是水線,列印品質就看輸出機器了
    Color image: Printing color images will be more obvious, especially the waterline. The printing quality depends on the printer.
  • A3:列印檔案會變成A3,會建議選A3,不然輸出會變A4檔案,A4張數多需要自己拼黏,不好黏還可能增加誤差
    A3: The printing file will be A3 format. It is recommended to choose A3, otherwise the output will become A4 file. If there are too many A4 sheets, you need to glue them together, more sheets will may increase the error.


   04-7 地圖產生中需稍後 Map generation will take a while

地圖產生器 007
地圖產生中需稍後 Map generation will take a while


   04-8 地圖產生后即可下載 Files type download are available after generated

地圖產生器 008
地圖產生后下載需要的檔案類型(PDF、連接、KMZ) Files type download (PDF, link, KMZ) are available after generated


   04-9 地圖列印及防水 Map printing and waterproofing

當地圖列印后,需要進行裁剪和拼貼,可以使用膠水或雙面膠(或放進去地圖袋)用以防水。選擇 PDF 列印會是最方便的方式,而KMZ 則可以下載并輸入至手機離線地圖使用.
After printing the map, cut and paste it, and then seal with the glue or double side tape (or put it in the map bag) to make it waterproof. It is the most convenient way to choose PDF printing, while KMZ can be downloaded and imported to the mobile phone for offline map use.


   05 輸出KMZ用於谷歌地球 Use KMZ in Google Earth

使用地圖產生器製作地圖的時,KMZ的檔案可以有不一樣的用途,KMZ檔案可以匯入到谷歌地球或是手機裡的離線地圖,匯入到手機裡的離線地圖在下次介紹手機APPS的時候再説,這次要説的是可以其中一個選項是 Google Earth,檔案輸出成KMZ檔,我們使用 Google Earth 網頁版或是電腦版使用都可。
When using the map generator to make a map, the KMZ file can have different uses. The KMZ file can be imported into Google Earth or the offline map in the mobile phone. The offline map imported into the mobile phone will be introduced next time when i write about the mobile APPS. Besides, what I want to say this time is that one of the options is Google Earth, and the file is output as a KMZ file. We can use Google Earth web version or computer version.

After searching the page entered by Google Earth, there are web version, mobile version and computer version available.


地圖產生器 010
谷歌搜尋谷歌地圖 Search the Google Map at Google Search


   05-1 谷歌地球網頁版 Google Earth Web Version

After selecting the web version, user will enter the following screen, look at the upper left to the bottom and click the fifth button to import KMZ data from the happyman.

地圖產生器 011
谷歌地球網頁版 Google Earth Web version


It will be like this after importing, and the transparency should be affected when it is generated at this time.

地圖產生器 012
谷歌地球網頁版:匯入KMZ檔案 Google Earth Web version: import the KMZ files


Press the earth in the lower right corner to switch to personal use, which is convenient and easy to use, and then user can control it to look at the map like this.

地圖產生器 013
谷歌地球網頁版:可直接看海拔地圖 Google Earth Web version: Can directly look at the altitude map


   05-2 谷歌地球電腦版 Google Earth PRO PC Version

選擇電腦版之後便會進入以下畫面,點選左上角的檔案(F) 便可以看到有欄位可以匯入KMZ資料。
After selecting the pc version, user will enter the following screen, look at the upper left import(匯入) button to import KMZ data from the happyman.

地圖產生器 014
谷歌地球Pro電腦版 Google Earth Pro PC version


It will be like this after importing, and the transparency should be affected when it is generated at this time.

地圖產生器 015
谷歌地球Pro電腦版:匯入KMZ檔案 Google Earth Pro PC version: import the KMZ files


Press the earth in the upper right corner to switch to personal use, which is convenient and easy to use, and then user can control it to look at the map like this.

地圖產生器 016
谷歌地球Pro電腦版:可直接看海拔地圖 Google Earth Pro PC version: Can directly look at the altitude map


   06 總結

The happyman map generator is a very useful platform and tool. If you can learn how to use it well, it will be of great help in various itineraries. While using the electronic map, you can also keep the paper map to make yourself safer.

Many people have written articles on how to use the map generator to make maps, but there is no English translation, so I write it here for international friends. If there any questions, or where you can add to the article, please leave a message to me, or text me on my IG, thank you!



* Non-commercial purpose article


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