【登山申請 | Hiking Application】入山入園申請 Mountain Entry and National Park Permit|臺灣登山申請一站式服務網介紹 Introduction of Hike Smart Taiwan Service


The government release the latest version of hiking application website “Hike Smart Taiwan Service“, this website include National Park, Mountain Entry Permit from the National Police Agency, National Trail, Natural Conservation Area, Natural Reserve Area, and Wildlife Protect Area.

There are two keywords here “Mountain Entry Permit” and “National Park Entry Permit” were the main point for this website.

The latest update was at 28 of May 2021, through this website, it is able to apply for the mountain entry permit and the national park entry permit together.

Let me introduce how to apply the mountain and national park entry permit. Before i start, i would like to briefly introduce the hiking environment in Taiwan. Let me explain first, hiking in Taiwan always need mountain entry permit and national park entry permit, even some of the place need to extra apply for cabin hut permit.

I will write a Chinese version and an English version to share the process with you.

資料更新於 (Information updated at) 2021/8/22 02:00


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   01)爲什麽需要申請入山入園證? Why need a Mountain and NP entry permit?

08 搭公車登山 能高 3 结果

The application for mountain entry permit, national park entry permit, and cabin hut permit is to protect the habitat of wild animals and natural landscapes in the nature reserve. When hiker or mountaineer get close to nature, can reduce the disturbance of the ecological environment. Therefore, the establishment of national parks, ecological reserves, nature reserves and protected areas is to protect the local natural ecology.

The list below can check the area of nature reserve, which is the area that need a permit.

National Park classified under nature reserve, we can check it via Forestry Bureau website, as long as it is a nature reserve, except those area that announcement does not need to apply. After apply for a NP permit, basically mountain entry permit are required to extra apply at the same time.

   02)為什麽要介紹高山百岳? Why should I Introduce the High Mountains?

13 搭公車登山 馬博 5 结果
↑ 照片來源:小御 提供 | 攝於未知 | 第一次爬百岳就走馬博橫斷的勇士


It has 275 of alpines (high mountains) for mountaineers to climb, there’s 100 selected peaks from the alpines (high mountains) list so called “bai-yue”.

Why do I want to introduce the Baiyue Mountain? Mainly, most of the 275 the high mountains require mountain entry permit and national park permit.

The list of 275 alpines please check here, the list is below of the article after click in:
【高山百岳】上河文化2020年高山百岳地形圖|台灣275座高山百岳等你來完成!台灣268再加7了 – 法蘭怎麼玩 (94frank.com)

Uncountable Intermediate Mountains and lower level’s mountains, trails, wild camping sites for hiking, altitude sickness (Acute mountain sickness) can happen easily after altitude more than 2438m, learn and research before hiking in alpines.

Other trails and natural attractions can be inquired through ”Taiwan Forest Recreation“ website.
台灣山林悠遊網 (forest.gov.tw)
Index – Taiwan Forest Recreation

NP 01 05
↑ 台灣山林悠遊網
NP 01 06
↑ Taiwan Forest Recreation

   03)臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 Hike Smart Taiwan Service

進入 台灣登山申請一站式服務網 網站之後,可以看到此網站的各種功能
After enter the website “Hike Smart Taiwan Service“, there are lot of function in this website


   03a)網頁基本介紹 Webpage Introduction

Only part of the top bar button has Chinese and English functions as below, these functions can use for Online Application, check the status of application quota of routes/permit/cabins/campsites and application progress .

  • 入山入園山屋營地申請 Online Application
  • 山屋營地申請 Track cabins/campsites
  • 申請進度查詢 Track Application Status

There are few top bar button have no English functions as below, the “Mountaineering information” would be the most important part, any newest announcements will be posted here, “Tips for entering the park & mountain” or “Route query and introduction” or “Mountaineering Q&A” are just basic information.

  • 登山情報 Mountaineering information
  • 入園入山須知 Tips for entering the park & mountain
  • 路線查詢與介紹 Route query and introduction
  • 登山Q&A Mountaineering Q&A
NP 01 01
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網01
NP 01 03
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service 01


NP 01 02
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網02
NP 01 04
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service 02

   03b)功能介紹 Website Features Introduction

   03b-1)搜尋路線進入申請 Search the routes and enter the application

There’s two selection which is “Search the routes and enter the application” and “Fast application access” are the focal point.

“Search the routes and enter the application” combined the routes selection of three National Park, Mountain Entry Permit from the National Police Agency, National Trail, Natural Conservation Area, Natural Reserve Area, and Wildlife Protect Area. In the options, you can find that currently only Shei-Pa National Park has graded the trails into six level, applicant can directly choose any trails to go by this function.

NP 02 01
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 搜尋路線進入申請
NP 02 02
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Search the routes and enter the application

   03b-2)快速申請入口 Fast application access

“Fast application access” listed out the Yushan Trails (Mt. Jade), Xue Mountain Trails (Mt. Syue), Nanhu, Qilai, Zhuilu Old Road, Plug Tianshan Natural Reserve, Lake Jiaming National Trail, Tianchi Lodge, this feature just listed the popular routes.

NP 02 06↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 快速申請入口

NP 02 05
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Fast application access

   03b-3)已分類單位及類別 Classified units and categories

Classified options by scrolling down which is three National Park, Mountain Entry Permit from the National Police Agency, National Trail, Natural Conservation Area, Natural Reserve Area, and Wildlife Protect Area, it was the features option other than “Search Route Entry Application” and “Fast application access” that classified into specific categories.

NP 02 08
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 三座國家公園、警政署、國家步道、自然保留區、自然保護區及野生動物保護區
NP 02 07
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – three National Park, Mountain Entry Permit from the National Police Agency, National Trail, Natural Conservation Area, Natural Reserve Area, and Wildlife Protect Area

   03b-4)頂欄功能 Top Bar Function

The Chinese version in the top bar above is different from the English version, which has been explained in “3a” above. Here we will no longer explain the differences between each other, but introduce the functions.

  • 入山入園山屋營地申請 Online Application
  • 山屋營地申請 Track cabins/campsites
  • 申請進度查詢 Track Application Status
  • 登山情報 Mountaineering information
  • 入園入山須知 Tips for entering the park & mountain
  • 路線查詢與介紹 Route query and introduction
  • 登山Q&A Mountaineering Q&A
NP 02 09
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 頂欄功能介紹
NP 02 10
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Introduction of top bar

   03b-4a)入山入園山屋營地申請 Online Application

This function has exactly the same operation method as “3b-1”, “3b-2” is a popular route selected from it, and “3b-3” is a shortcut key among the key categories, so I won’t introduce this function here.

   03b-4b)山屋/營地查詢 Track cabins/campsites


  • 1為全部單位一起查詢
  • 2為查詢玉山國家公園
  • 3為查詢太魯閣國家公園
  • 4為查詢雪霸國家公園
  • 5為查詢林務局山屋及營地。

This function is used to query cabin hut and camps in mountain-type national parks and forestry bureau. You can select a single administrative unit to query, or query all at the same time:

  • 1 is for all units to query together
  • 2 is for querying Yushan National Park
  • 3 is for querying Taroko National Park
  • 4 is to inquire about Shei-Pa National Park
  • 5 is to inquire about Forestry Bureau Cabin Hut and Campsite.
NP 03 01
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 選則管轄單位
NP 03 02
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Select the jurisdiction


Here I will give an example. Step 1 chooses Yushan National Park, Step 2 I choose Chiaming Lake Cabin Hut side campsite (Forestry Bureau), Step 3 adds my choice to the calendar, Step 4 is the result that will appear after Step 3 is added, or applicant can add several at the same time If there have the need, step 5 is to select the year to apply for admission, and step 6 is to select the month to apply for admission, and the date below will appear.

接著下方日期的資訊欄可以看到 1山屋/營地、2餘額、3排隊預約、4審核中、5審核入園。
Then you can see 1 cabin hut/campsite, 2 review, 3 lining up, 4 under review, 5 approved in the information column below the date.

In this new website, if the cabin hut/campsite applied for belongs to the Forest Service Bureau or is not in the park, for example: Chiaming Lake cabin hut side campsite, Yushan National Park admission permit and cabin hut permit can all be obtained in one application.

NP 03 08
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 依照步驟進行篩選
NP 03 07
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Filter by steps

   03b-4c)申請進度查詢 Track application status

In the Track Application Status, there are three things that can check status which is “Track Application Status”, “Track Other Information”, and “Edit Drafts”, the first two was to check the application status, and the last one is to check/edit the application drafts, the form with “*” is the info must fill in.

“Track Application Status” need Application number* and ID No.*, please remember the application number after applied successfully.

NP 04 01
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 申請進度查詢(單號查詢)
NP 04 02
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Track Application Status (Track Your Application Number)


“Track Other Information” need Mobile/Telephone, Departure date, Trip Duration, ID No.*, this function is convenient for those who have forgotten the application number to query with personal data.

NP 04 03
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 申請進度查詢(其他資訊查詢)
NP 04 04
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Track Application Status (Track Other Information)


“Edit Drafts” need Applicant Email and ID No., it is convenient for applicants who need to grab a place to prepare early.

NP 04 05
↑ 臺灣登山申請一站式服務網 – 申請進度查詢(草稿查詢)
NP 04 06
↑ Hike Smart Taiwan Service – Track Application Status (Edit Dratfs)

   03b-4d)登山情報 Mountaineering information

The landing page of mountaineering information can be searched by category, national park and publication date.

From here, only the Chinese web version has information, the English version has not been updated yet.

NP 05 01
↑ 登山情報 Mountaineering information


Shei Pa National Park also changed the mountaineering level from the old A-D grade to 0-6 grade, and it is applicable to all trails in Taiwan.

NP 05 04
↑ 登山情報 – 登山分級與適合對象 Mountaineering information-Mountaineering classification and suitable Audience


This mountaineering level shows how trails are categorized in Shei-Pa National Park.

NP 05 02
↑ 登山情報 Mountaineering information – 登山分級與雪霸路線 Mountaineering classification and Shei-Pa Trails Mountaineering Classification


This mountaineering level explains which trails needs to apply for NP entry permit in Shei-Pa National Park.

NP 05 03
↑ 登山情報 – 登山分級與入園申請 Mountaineering Information – Mountaineering Classification and Application for Admission

   03b-4e)入園入山須知 Tips for entering the park & mountains

Points to note for all national parks, forest services, police stations and local governments.

NP 06 01
↑ 入山入園須知 Tips for entering the park & mountain

   03b-4f)路線查詢與介紹 Route query and introduction

The public can inquire about the trails and introductions of various national parks, national police agency, forestry bureau.

NP 07 02↑ 路線查詢與介紹 Route query and introduction

NP 07 01
↑ 路線查詢與介紹 Route query and introduction

   03b-4g)登山Q&A Mountaineering Q&A

Any new announcements will be announced in the “Latest News”, general questions all in “FAQ”.

NP 08 01
↑ 登山Q&A Mountaineering Q&A – 最新消息 Latest News
NP 08 02
↑ 登山Q&A Mountaineering Q&A – 常見問題 Common Problem

   04)入山入園證申請步驟教學 Steps teaching to apply for Mountain & NP entry permit

To apply for the routes under the jurisdiction of all units, simply click “Online Application”, and you will enter to the webpage as below to apply.

舉我的例子,我想要走大霸跟武陵四秀,先點選雪霸國家公園,在回到上方選擇【(4級) 秀霸線】后點選查詢,下方推薦的路線/步道就會跳出來,點選右邊的進入申請就會跳到申請步驟。
For example, if I want to go to Dabajian and Wuling Quadruple, first click on Shei-Pa National Park, then go back to the top and select “(Level 4) Xiuba Trail” and then click query, the recommended trails will pop out below , click on the right to enter the application and you will continue to the next application step.

NP 09 01
↑ 步驟一:日期確認 – 選擇路線
NP 09 02
↑ Step 01: Confirm the date – Choose the trails

   04a)步驟一:日期確認 / Step 01: Confirm the date

After entering the next step, there are a total of 6 application steps, you must first select “Trip Duration”, “Departure Date” and “Number of Travelers” to check the quotas of cabin hut.

NP 09 03
↑ 步驟一:日期確認 – 選擇天數、日期及人數
NP 09 04
↑ Step 01: Confirm the date – Choose the number of days, dates and number of people


After inquiring about accommodation, it will pop up the “Review (Quotas balance)”, “Process Pending”, “Additional Documents Required”, “Approved”, “Process Pending”, “Standby”, and “Exclusively for foreigners Advance Application”. After confirming that there is a review, just proceed to the next step to plan the trips.

NP 09 05
↑ 步驟一:日期確認 – 選擇天數、日期及人數后可以看到山屋/營地名額
NP 09 06
↑ Step 01: Confirm the date – After selecting the total days, date and number of people, you can see the quota review of mountain cabin hut/campsites

   04b)步驟二:行程計劃 / Step 02: Plan your itinerary

At this step, you can choose to arrange the itinerary you need. I saw other articles introducing Wuling Quadruple that can be brought default data into the itinerary, but the Xiuba Trails unable to bring in default data. It is possible that each route has a different design.

There are three option at the bottom can be arranged to enter this trails.

NP 09 07
↑ 步驟二:行程計劃 – 安排停留點
NP 09 10
↑ Step 02: Plan your itinerary – Arrange a stop


After you have chosen it, you will be presented with this itinerary. Basically, the choices of location is the same as the original website of the original mountain-type national park, the location of stay can be chosen by yourself.

The difference is that when the new website clicks “Planning complete”, if applicant need to modify the itinerary have to press “Re-planning”. If there is no problem, proceed to the next step after the planning is completed.

NP 09 08
↑ 步驟二:行程計劃 – 每日行程規劃
NP 09 11
↑ Step 02: Plan your itinerary – Daily itinerary planning


Applicant can see how much review is left in the accommodation of the selected trails, enter the team name and press next to continue the application.

NP 09 09
↑ 步驟二:行程計劃 – 行程規劃后查詢住宿名額
NP 09 13
↑ Step 02: Plan your itinerary – Check the accommodation quota after planning the itinerary

   04c)步驟三:隊伍計劃 / Step 03: Team Information

After entering the application materials, applicant need to fill in the basic information to apply. This step needs to fill in the “applicant”, “leader”, “member” and “emergency coordinator”. The applicant can be the team leader, team member or emergency coordinator, just select “Same application Person” can copy the information, but the emergency coordinator cannot be either the leader or the team member. As for the team leader and the team member same person, it will only happen when the team is climbing alone.

When filling in “National ID number (or residence permit number)/passport number”, the Republic of China is a preset identity, and nationals applicant can directly fill in the ID number. As for foreigners, applicant need to choose nationality and then fill in the residence permit number/passport number, In addition to this identification information, applicant need to fill in name, gender, birthday, phone number, mobile phone, contact address, email, emergency contact person and emergency contact person phone number. As for fax and remarks, applicant can choose not to fill in.

After filling in each piece of information, applicant need to press “Add”. If the team member was more than 3 members,  applicant need to fill in that step before you enter the page for fill in in the emergency coordinator, click next for next step after filled in.

NP 09 14
↑ 步驟三:隊伍資料 – 填入申請人
NP 09 15
↑ Step 03: Team information – Fill in applicant


NP 09 16
↑ 步驟三:隊伍資料 – 填入領隊
NP 09 17
↑ Step 03: Team information – Fill in leader


NP 09 17 03
↑ 步驟三:隊伍資料 – 填入隊員
NP 09 17 02
↑ Step 03: Team information – Fill in member


NP 09 18
↑ 步驟三:隊伍資料 – 填入留守人
NP 09 19
↑ Step 03: Team information – Fill in emergency contact

   04d)步驟四:附件上傳 / Step 04: Updating files

If the application trails need supporting documents and it will be shown to upload supplements, If no just click next to proceed to next step.

NP 09 20
↑ 步驟四:附件上傳
NP 09 21
↑ Step 04: Updating files

   04e)步驟五:同意聲明 / Step 05: Claim agreement

Applicants should develop the habit of reading the regulations to avoid damage to their own rights, but the English version has not been translated into English. I don’t know if it is missed by the national park unit. I have sent the national park a message, proceed to the next step if have no problem here.

NP 09 22
↑ 步驟五:同意聲明01
NP 09 23
↑ 步驟五:同意聲明01
NP 09 24
↑ Step 05: Claim agreement 02
NP 09 25
↑ Step 05: Claim agreement 02

   04f)步驟六:確認送出 / Step 06: Confirm and Submit

Before sending it, remember to check whether the application information are wrong, and if they are correct, just sent out. If the application time of 0700-2300 is exceeded, or applicants who want to save draft for future application, click save at the bottom left.

NP 09 26
↑ 步驟六:確認送出
NP 09 28
↑ Step 06: Confirm and Submit
NP 09 27
↑ 步驟六:確認送出
NP 09 29
↑ Step 06: Confirm and Submit

   04g)申請後 After Application

After the submission is completed, applicant will receive the “National Park Case Number” and “Mounting One-Stop Case Number”. If applicant want to check the progress of the application, remember to use the “Mounting One-Stop Case Number”.

NP 09 30
↑ 申請後 After Application

After sending, applicant will also receive an email confirmation letter.

NP 09 31
↑ 申請後電郵 After Application Email

   05)補充 Additional

   05a)提醒的事情 Reminder

The cabin hut and campsites in Yushan National Park adopt a lottery system, it is different from Shei-Pa National Park and Taroko National Park.

   05b)遇到的事情 What I face

It takes time to bring in the information of some steps. Please check the computer and network in advance to avoid errors.

The query page cannot see the details of the application information, such as the old version of the website, applicant can see some of the application information of other teams, but it is unable to query on the new version of the website, only personal own information and the remaining amount are available to query.

看到Hiking Book的介紹網站有提到【儲存草稿】的功能,有提到使用者當下所使用的瀏覽器在換了瀏覽器或電腦,會無法帶入原本已經儲存的草稿,這部分我沒有親自確認,待有機會會再確認。
I saw that the introduction website of Hiking Book mentioned the function of [Save Drafts]. It was mentioned that the user’s current browser or computer would not be able to bring in the original saved drafts, I haven’t personally confirmed this part, will confirm it again when I have the opportunity.

   05c)好的事情 Good things

This version of the application site combines some non-unit locations. For example, you can choose “Tanxiwan (outside the park)” in the Mabo Hengduan application, which means that applicant don’t need to worry about going illegally and deviate from the original application route in the future.

還有之前Hiking Book也有提到的是【奇萊南華】行程無法透過一站式網站同步申請國家公園入園,這個問題目前已經解決了。
Also mentioned in the Hiking Book before is that the itinerary of “Qilai Nanhua” cannot be synchronized to apply for admission to the national park through the one-stop website, problem solved in the current updated,


   6)總結 Summary

Through my detailed introduction, applicant should be able to better understand the application process and functions of the “Hike Smart Taiwan Service“, as well as some problems. I am currently more accustomed to the old version of the application, but this is new version combines the functions of each unit to be more convenient, I will still try to use this version to apply in the future.



* Non-commercial purpose article


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